KTS – das steht für Kulturtreff in Selbstverwaltung – ist ein autonomes Zentrum in Freiburg.
Sie entstand aus einer Besetzung der Vauban-Kasernen. Seit 1998 ist die KTS in einem Gebäude der Bahn zuhause.
The KTS is the autonomous centre of Freiburg for radical left politics and culture. It began as a squat in 1994 but since 1998 has been legally located in the Basler Strasse 103 on a property belonging to the German railway company. The KTS has been the most important base for autonomous and anarchist movements in South Baden for more than 20 years and is famous for its legendary underground concerts and glittering parties. The autonomous convergence centre is an inherent part of the life and times of leftists in Freiburg: KTS is here to stay!
keine parkplätze

Basler Straße 103
79100 Freiburg im Breisgau