Andréa Gema (2022 | 77min | Produced by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation in association with the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa, Biowatch South Africa, and PELUM Tanzania.)
Saturday 11.11.2023 – 12:15
Sprache: Englisch, Jola, Swahili
Untertitel: Deutsch
Der Dokumentarfilm The Last Seed zeigt, wie das Erbe und die Zukunft der afrikanischen Landwirtschaft bedroht sind. Im Mittelpunkt des Films stehen Auseinandersetzungen um die Kontrolle von Saatgut. Afrikanische Expert:innen und kleinbäuerliche Erzeuger:innen zeigen, wie sie versuchen das Saatgut vor den zerstörerischen Praktiken der Konzerne zu retten und die Ernährungssysteme zu transformieren. Bauern und Bäuerinnen aus dem Senegal, Südafrika und Tansania berichten über die Nachhaltigkeit und Anpassungsfähigkeit ihrer landwirtschaftlichen Praktiken und teilen Weisheiten, die es wert sind, entdeckt zu werden.
The Last Seed focuses on broad themes relating to the state of food and agriculture in Africa in the 21st century. Placing the struggle over the control of seed at the centre, it explains the processes that have led to this moment in human history and what it would take to interact with the planet in a way that does not threaten the very basis of life on earth. The film raises two fundamental questions – what have we lost, and who can show us a better way? – and attempts to answer these questions using music, dance, moving visuals and the lived experiences and stories of African small-scale food producers. Experts outline the extent of the corporate capture crisis, explaining the underlying science, politics and economics in simple terms, punctuated by vibrant animations. Agroecological farmers from various African nations give testimony on the sustainability and adaptability of their agricultural practices and share morsels of wisdom worth exploring. The film ends on an upbeat note as Senegalese women rise up, determined to protect their seeds and indigenous knowledge for future generations.