
Adlerstraße 2
79098 Freiburg im Breisgau

Project Úter is an intricate collaborative drawing that started as a research on stories about abortion in Spain and serves as a cry of freedom to decide over our bodies. It started on January 2014 in the midst of a big debate in Spain regarding the attempt the goverment was pursuing to reform the law that enables women to legally get a safe abortion. As the project begun to grow in depth and magnitude, it started taking into consideration the forces, thoughts and mechanisms that operate when it comes to discipline and govern over people’s bodies. In the long run, the intention of this project is to map the complexity of such issues and serve as a howl for the freedom to decide over our own bodies. This drawing is ment to be used as a political tool, by sharing stories, doing presentations, touring with it , and connecting with feminist and social movements. All images are under a creative commons licence to be shared used and distributed all over everywhere. On wednesday evening at seven o’clock we will give a presentation of the mural in which we will explain the creation process of the project and the narrative it illustrates. We invite you to come over and share your stories

Presentation language is English. Smoke-free event.
