Hey, are you ready for "DAYS OF HOUSE"? 🏠 🌈🪩
We invite you for the 4th - 5th of November 2023 to Artik (Freiburg, Germany) to celebrate a weekend full of House Dance & Music. House Dance started in the Club and we bring it back to the Club! Don´t miss it, we invited special guests from Paris, Montpellier & Strasbourg!
We offer you three totally different House Dance Workshops for ALL LEVELS, so just come through and dance with us! Register now via email days.of.house@gmail.com and save your spot as soon as possible! (Limited spots only!)
- Miri (Freiburg): Partnering/Stalking (15€)
- Malkom (Montpellier): Floorwork (20€)
- Raza (Paris): Footwork (15€)
We are excited to invite you to the 1st “Night of House Party” at Artik on November 4th, a collaboration between Freiburg Resident Artists and special guests from France! Dance with us on an exciting electronic spectrum of House Music and Techno Sounds, combined with unique Live Drums and Pop-Up Dance Performance during the evening: DJs meet live Drums meet dancers. For more information and tickets click here: https://www.artik-freiburg.de/2023/10/23/night-of-house-party/
We want to bring Dance and Music together again, this time with our invited guests from Straßburg (Cie Watt). There will be DJs and Live Drums that will treat us with the finest house music and will bring you on the dancefloor. All dance styles are welcome! This is meant to be a platform for sharing, individual freedom of expression and pure joy of dancing. Come by, groove with us and don't miss the Daytime Clubbing! Tickets at the door: 5 – 15€.
Stay updated and follow us on Instagram for more infos @days.of.house or click here: https://www.artik-freiburg.de/2023/10/23/days-of-house-a-weekend-full-of-house-dance-music/
We are looking forward, come over and dance with us the whole weekend! NO space for racism, sexism and any other form of discrimination!
Conception and projectmanagement: Miriam Cheema (freelance dancer, Freiburg)
Graphic, Design & Social Media: Lisa Ciecinski
Organization: Elli Schrietter
Promotion & support (Straßburg): Noémie Cordier & Cie Watt
This event is funded by Kulturamt Freiburg & Oberrheinkonferenz: Thanks for the support and all the other helping hands from the House Scene Freiburg!