*english below*
Noche solidaria
Yeah, Yeah! Soli-Party am 27.1 in der Kats!
Einlass 20h
Konzertbeginn 22h
- catbiteback. feministischer PunkRap/Crossover (catbiteback.bandcamp.com)
- Das Blanke Extrem post-punk (dasblankeextrem.bandcamp.com)
Ab 24h DJ Sets von Riot FemPunk, Electrowave bis zu Hip Hop
- jule wäscht sich nie - groovy, techno disco
- tazelnut - hip hop/ perreo
- radicon - wavetec
- Frida aka Rabibi atable - rap/trap, Raii, afrobeat, Reggeatton & Cumbia
- DJ Rue - queer, Hip Hop, Reggeaton, Vogue/Trap
*Fireshow* (draußen) nach den Konzerten:
- *Ser.Creativa*
**Es gibt Soli-Cocktails und Pommes**
- Damit das ganze für Alle Spaß macht, gibt es auch Awareness an diesem Abend. Wie immer gilt, 'Awareness' sind wir Alle.
- 1 Nichtrauer*innen Raum (Großer Raum) und 1 Raucher*innen Raum (Bar)
- Die KTS ist nicht Rohlsthllgerecht/ Barrierefrei. Mehr Infos hier: https://katsfreiburg.blackblogs.org/about-home/barrieren/
- Und noch immer ist es eine gute Idee, einen Coronatest vor der Party zu machen
Noche solidaria
Yeah yeah!! Solidarity party in the KTS, collecting funds to support someone with a voluntary deportation process.
Entry from 8pm.
At 10pm the bands start
- catbiteback. (feminist and angry PunkRap / Crossover from Freiburg and Berlin - catbiteback.bandcamp.com)
- Das Blanke Extrem (post-punk, Freiburg - dasblankeextrem.bandcamp.com)
At midnight start the DJ Sets - from Riot FemPunk to Electrowave to Hip Hop and more
- jule wäscht sich nie - groovy, techno disco
- tazelnut - hip hop/ perreo
- radicon - wavetec
Also Also! Soli-Cocktails and fries
About the space
- There will be Awareness during the evening, but as always, we are also all 'Awareness' so take care of each other
- Please only smoke outside or in the bar, not in the main party room!
- The KTS is not wheelchair accessible. There are steps from the main door down into the bar and party room. There is a ramp from outside into the party room, but 4 steps to the toilets.
- There are no parking spaces.
- Please do a Corona selftest before the party
Bands und DJ's mit catbiteback. und Das Blanke Extrem
