KGI HS 1221 (Universität Freiburg)

The international conference “Gentrification Imaginaries: Stories of Urban Transformations and Displacement” brings together scholars from literary studies, media studies, cultural studies, political science, sociology, and geography who, in their respective research areas, have begun to explore the implications of understanding gentrification as not only a socioeconomic phenomenon but also dependent on questions of storytelling and cultural imagination. We aim to address questions such as, how do we define this complex phenomenon, and how do narratives about it shape our understanding of gentrification? In what ways do intersectional factors such as class, race, gender, and age impact our understanding of this process? What stylistic elements define stories of gentrification, and how do they vary across different media and genres? Can we consider gentrification itself as a genre? The conference seeks to help establish a growing network of literary and cultural gentrification studies by fostering the interdisciplinary dialog necessary to study processes of gentrification.

Anyone interested can attend the opening event.

· 12. June 2024, 18:00 c.t., KGI 1221: Roundtable “Gentrification Debates across Disciplines: Definitions, Methods, Practices”

with Japonica Brown-Saracino (Boston University)

Thomas Heise (Pennsylvania State U/Abington)

Hanna Henryson (Stockholm/Linnaeus)

            and Andrej Holm (HU Berlin)

Type of Event