
Adlerstraße 12
79098 Freiburg im Breisgau

Three years have elapsed since the Gezi Park resistance emerged in
Turkey. Starting as a small protest against the demolition of Istanbul's
central park, it soon turned into a revolt against the country's
increased authoritarianism. Its powerful creativity, humor, mass
mobilization and sense of solidarity left a profound mark within the
country and worldwide. Despite this, Turkey today is rapidly becoming an
oppressive regime. Heavy attacks on the political opposition, the
restoration of armed conflict in Kurdish cities, the near abolishment of
the parliamentary system create a depressed atmosphere. Gezi Park itself
is still at risk of destruction since the government deliberately keeps
its surroundings a permanent construction zone and manipulate the
judicial courts.

In these difficult days, we would like to commemorate the exceptional
times of solidarity and resistance against government intrusion and
police violence through art, culture and humor. We would like to
remember the energy, the creativity, and the spontaneous establishment
of a vibrant political public space by the people.

Join us for a documentary film screening featuring interviews with
participating artists and articulating the involvement of arts in the
resistance. Produced by the filmmaker Claudia Münch, Tanzende Revolte am
Bosporus, will be followed by an open dialogue about the resistance and
the possibilities for the regaining of this momentum in Turkey and beyond.


A Documentary About the Gezi Park Resistance, Open Discussion and Remembrance